Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Current Obsessions

1.  Homemade Pesto: How did I live 33 years without making homemade pesto? It is so easy and delicious! I've got six or seven basil plants growing in the backyard, and the pesto whirls up in no time in the food processor. I don't follow a recipe with precise measurements. We make our pesto with basil, steamed asparagus, toasted pine nuts, olive oil, salt, garlic, and if I remember, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. I'd show you a pesto photo... but our pesto is not photogenic. It looks like primordial ooze.

2.  The Rivals for Catan: Nathan and I played this games at least 100 times late last summer, after he sprained his ankle (so badly, he might as well have broken the bone). After a several month hiatus, we are playing it again. It's the best two-player strategy game we have found. Buy it here. Warning: the rules are absurdly complicated and take several hours to master, but your efforts will be well-rewarded.

3.  Oscar Wilde: I just finished reading Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance, by Gyles Brandreth. The characters include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Sherard (grandson of the poet William Wordsworth) and of course Mr. Wilde. This book is part-mystery, part-historical fiction, and both are done really well. I've already downloaded the next mystery in the series to my Kindle, but first, I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray,Wilde's only novel. Could Wilde have been more witty? If he lived today, he would have the best damn twitter feed!