Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Hope I Always Love The Circus

I saw a Cirque du Soleil show on Saturday with my sister Spucky.  We saw Ovo, in which the performers are all dressed up as bugs.  I have seen several Cirque du Soleil shows, so I knew what to expect - but it still blew me away.

The acrobats are my favorite.  No, wait, the tightrope walker is also my favorite - seriously, how did he ride the unicycle on a tightrope while pedaling with his hands and doing a handstand?!?!  And then there was the big closing number that involved trampolines and a rock climbing wall - that was also my favorite.

Let's just the entire show was my favorite. 

The circus tent was set up next to the Santa Monica pier right by the Pacific Ocean.  I saw my first Cirque du Soleil show in this exact spot, more than two decades ago when my mom was pregnant with Spucky.  I was nine years old and I was just enchanted.  A man had a fight with an invisible bouncer, and it looked so unbelievably real.  I really thought there was an invisible man throwing punches.  The memory still makes me smile.

Just seeing the tents pitched next to the ocean makes my heart thrill.  I hope I always love the circus.